Two city colleges take the battle to streets

Updated on: Friday, November 25, 2011

With harassment of girls near schools and colleges being rampant, it’s only apt that the fight against this menace is taken up on campus itself.

Recently, two city institutions—National College and Wilson College—undertook campaigns against eve-teasing and sexual harassment as part of their projects. And the response was quite encouraging.

Two groups of third-year BMM students from National College participated in the institute’s campaign, ‘Eve-teasing Ki Maa Behen’. “We realised that the key to putting an end to such offence lies in the empowerment of women. So, we organised a host of activities that encouraged women to come forward and raise the alarm when the need arises,” said Srusti Jain, a TYBMM student.

The National College students put up posters at shoe stores across the city. The idea was to show women how shoes could be used as effective self defence tools. They also organised a kick-boxing workshop for college students. “Besides, we also kept whistles and small posters, which said ‘Ceeti Bajao, Madat Bulao’, on buses. The response was quite outstanding,” said Jain.

The Wilson College students organised workshops and activities to spread awareness on the issue of women’s harassment. They also put up placards outside their college as well as other institutes, urging people to sign on them and pledge that they would act against eve-teasing in future. The organisers said they received over 2,000 signatures during the campaign.

Encouraged by the first campaign, the Wilson College students would conduct another signature drive soon.

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