Ahimsa' curriculum for zoology laboratory course

Updated on: Friday, November 25, 2011

Espousing ‘Ahimsa,' Bharathidasan University's Mahatma Gandhi Doerenkamp Centre (MGDC) will bring out a new laboratory curriculum for Zoology/Life Sciences for consideration by the University Grants Commission (UGC) in a week's time.

Established by Doerenkamp-Zbinden Foundation, Switzerland, the Centre has been working on ‘Alternatives to use of animals in life science education.' Its role to replace live dissections in laboratories for study of anatomy with computer simulation learning devices is supported by non-governmental organisations such as People forAnimals (PfA), PeTA-India and I-CARE.

According to M.A. Akbarsha, Director and Chair, MGDC, the Centre will train stake-holders in practicing the curriculum in conformity with the guidelines that the UGC has issued for discontinuation of dissection and animal experimentation in Zoology/Life Sciences in a phased manner. The UGC guidelines, first of its kind in the world, would apply to all departments in universities and colleges which deal with animals in teaching and learning.

The UGC guidelines for preventing animal dissections carry a historical significance, paving way for restoration of habitats of endangered species, biodiversity and ecological balance, Prof. Akbarsha said. The UGC came out with the guidelines taking cognizance of the flouting of laws and regulations in the prescription of animal use in the curriculum for dissection. The UGC recommendations, approved by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, were in the form of ‘immediate actions' and ‘long-term actions.'

The immediate actions warrant strict adherence to Wild Life Protection Act, 1972, and the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960; constitution of ‘Dissection Monitoring Committees' in every higher education institution to approve/review use of animals in dissections/experiments for laboratory exercises; ensure that animals that are permitted to be used for dissections/experiments are procured from ethical sources; and make separate budgetary provision for procurement of digital material and technology. Long-term objectives constitute Human Resource Development through training programmes towards adopting alternative modalities for animal dissection; and conduct of dedicated workshops with the help of organisations with experience /expertise in the field.

Accordingly, the MGDC has planned a two-day brainstorming session at Stella Maris College, Chennai, on November 25 and 26 to bring out the new laboratory curriculum that would facilitate transition of teaching from ‘Dead Zoology' to ‘Live Zoology.'

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