People may soon locate buses on Internet, mobile phones in UP

Updated on: Wednesday, November 23, 2011

IIT Kanpur has sought approval from the Uttar Pradesh government for installing a device developed by it, which would help passengers locate their buses on the Internet or mobile phones, in state-run buses.
"We have sent a proposal to the transport department for installing the devices, developed on the lines of Satellite Imaging For Rail Navigation project, in roadways buses and is awaiting response," IIT-K Director Sanjay Govind Dhande said.
The government has assured us of considering the proposal and once cleared, the devices will be installed in some buses on trial basis. The institute has already got installation clearance from the Railways and the devices are currently installed in 12 important trains as a pilot project.
"SIMRAN can locate trains on Internet or mobile phones, enabling passengers to keep track of their trains during undue delays due to weather conditions...A person can get to know the whereabouts of his train, including the expected time of its arrival and the reason for its delay," Dhande said.

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