HBS students reach out

Updated on: Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sharing is joy but giving is a mixture of elation and contentment. The budding managers of Hyderabad Business School of Gitam University experienced that spending a day with the children of an orphanage and financially helping them. As a part of the “Joy of Giving” campaign the students raised Rs. 60,000 motivating their friends to ‘give' for the cause. The students invited 43 child-inmates of an orphanage run by Divine Foundation located at Uppal to the campus to celebrate their Children's Day.

Students organised musical chairs, dance, songs, and quiz for the children and gave away prizes to the participants. The children took part in all activities with absolute and equal abandon. Their energies were unleashed as the little guests were attended to with utmost care bordering on spoiling them. At the end of the day each little guest was presented with a school bag, a kit of note books and other stationery, dresses and blankets. It was touching to see the children hugging their gifts with care. Rice and other edible provisions were donated to the foundation. Prof. S.S. Prasada Rao, Director, Hyderabad Business School congratulated the MBA students on their initiative and reminded them that their initiative was itself a training experience for the Corporate Social Responsibility in which they would soon have to be part during their careers. Upendra Malik, founder of Divine Foundation; Prof. Ch. Sanjay, Director, School of Technology, and Fakhruddin Sheik, Student Activities Coordinator were present.

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