Rules framed and notified for RTE Act in Puducherry

Updated on: Monday, November 21, 2011

The Puducherry government has framed and notified the 'Puducherry Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2011' with a view to provide education for all children in the age group of six to 14 years in the Union Territory under the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009.
The rules published in the current issue of State Gazette covers elaborately various features for implementation of the Act to ensure free and compulsory education and the rules have come into immediate effect after its publication in the Gazette.
It is laid down that the territorial government should ensure that good quality education is provided uniformly in all schools and that there should be framing of norms and standards relating to all activities involving quality. These norms and standards should supplement the one prescribed in the schedule to the Central Act.
A child with special needs should also be provided free special learning and support materials.
The Directorate of School Education or the Local Authority should undertake 'school mapping' to determine and establish neighbourhood schools and also to identify all children including those hailing from remote areas, children with special needs, belonging to disadvantaged groups and to weaker sections.
The government or local authority should maintain a record of all children in the area of their respective jurisdiction from birth till they attain 14 years of age. A unique number should also be given to every child to monitor his or her enrolment, attendance and learning achievement.
Formation of School Management Committee, preparation of School Development Plan and constitution of the Right to Education Protection Authority are some of the features of the Act that are envisaged.

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