Awareness programme on the malaise of child abuse

Updated on: Monday, November 21, 2011

Kidzee preschool, chain of nationwide preschools owned by Zee Learn, took an initiative on World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse to educate, advocate and teach parents, students and the general populous on how to recognize various tell tale signs of child abuse and learn ways and means of dealing with situations as and when they arise.

Conducted under the companys banner of ‘Zee Learn I Care, the awareness campaign was targeted across all cross sections of society to educate them on the evils of child abuse, its impact, types, symptoms, preventive measures, etc. All participants including parents and teachers took an oath promising to protect, nurture and be aware parents.

The idea is to create an educated society which will be able to recognize report and take action against executor of any heinous crimes against children who need to be nurtured and treated carefully to further the chances of them becoming responsible contributing citizens of society.

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