Faculty shortage affects MKU

Updated on: Thursday, July 16, 2009

Madurai: The Madurai Kamaraj University facing crisis due to inadequate teaching staff and no recruitment for more than 20 years

Strength of  teaching staff  dropped over 150 out of 324 from its alloted seats , moreover the strength of the non-teaching staff was also only 50 per cent of sanctioned strength, university officials said.

At the beginning of this academic year alone, 14 teaching staff had retired, they said.

Registrar of the university I.Singaram, admitted that the university was understaffed, and adhoc arrangements had been made by engaging guest lecturers.

Officials said the university, named after late Kamaraj, who wanted to focus on educating the poor and down trodden, would not able to retain its status as a Centre for Excellence etc unless some serious step was taken to fill the vacancies.

They said there were some legal issues pending with regard to the appointment of lecturers, officials said adding that Minister for Higher Education should personally intervene to clear the issues.

An official said there was no recruitment for more than 20 years. "There are only handful of lecturers... readers and  professors have to do all the work. They are helped by guest lecuterers and visting professors ."

In the school of biology, for example there were only 11 lecturers, against the total strength of 42 posts.

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