Spineless Allahabad University fails to rein-in eve-teasers

Updated on: Friday, November 18, 2011

The eve-teasing menace continues in the Allahabad University belying the claims of university officials that such incidents no longer occur. Almost daily, girl students have to bear with lewd remarks passed at them by eve-teasers while the university officials continue to overlook the issue.

Among the areas targeted by hooligans is the English department, a stone's throw distance from office of vice-chancellor. The food kiosk, a few metres from the office of chief proctor and adjacent to the English and geography departments, too is a target spot for eve-teasers.

While one can easily spot eve-teasers at these places, AU officials deny such elements being active on the campus. In fact, teachers, proctorial team members, employees and administrative officers pass through these places.

The trouble for the girls start as soon as they reach the central library. The eve-teasers do not pass remarks at the girls going towards V-C's office, but once they move towards the DSW office or other departments, the lumpen elements get active.

When TOI visited the campus, it spotted several eve-teasers at and near the English department. They showed no fear or respect for the teachers or the university employees who passed by.

When TOI asked the girls why they don not stand up against such elements, they said, "We are from the music department and had come here for a function. We were quietly enjoying some snacks but for the last one hour we have been hearing all sorts of obscene remarks. In fact, this has become a routine on the campus." They added: The university is full of spineless people. Teachers, employees and even seniors witness the menace daily but no one dares to challenge these eve-teasers."

Apart from the English department and the food kiosk, the road in front of the psychology department, the barricade and cycle stand of KPUC gate, Union Hall gate, Sanskrit department and the earth and planetary science departments too have the presence of eve-teasers. All these spots are, ironically, clearly visible from the proctor's office.

"We are so afraid of these eve-teasers that for the past two years girls avoid going to the Arts campus," said a girl student of the science faculty.

Chief Proctor Prof Jata Shankar, when contactedm remained in a denial mode. "I don't see any eve-teaser around the department though groups of boys and girls sit on the stairs. We ask them to sit in the library or a department. Moreover, we have not received any complaints in this regard. But if we get any complaint regarding eve-teasing, we would certainly take action," he said.

But his predecessor has a different view. "The menace of eve-teasing is increasing on the campus, mainly due to lack of determination by those entrusted with the job of maintaining discipline on the campus. Moreover, since the authorities have failed to take punitive action against eve-teasers, this has emboldened the latter", said former AU chief proctor Prof Mata Amber Tiwari.

Dean student welfare Prof RK Singh said, "This is an area of major concern and because of the large number of students and the vast campus with several escape routes, we have somewhat not able to check eve-teasing." But, steps like asking the students to wear the identity cards can make it easy to identify the genuine students and thereby curtail the menace, he added.

Times of India

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