Gujarat University, Canadian varsity students interact

Updated on: Thursday, November 17, 2011

A cultural exchange was organized at the department of communication and journalism, Gujarat University on Tuesday. A delegation of 32 students as well as three professors and research scholars from the Royal Roads University of British Columbia, Canada, visited the department. "Development is a subjective concept and it cannot be taught with chalk and talk. The objective of such an interaction is to cultivate an exposure to different perspectives of development communication," said Dr Sonal Pandya, head, department of communication and journalism. The interaction involved discussions regarding approaches to development communication. Students shared their experiences of dealing with development oriented problems and challenges, across both the nations.

"The issues relating to development in India are remotely different from what they are in Canada," said Andre Frenette, 46, a student of Royal Roads University. "In spite of Canada being a developed country, we deal with problems like racial discrimination, inequalities, unemployment and poverty that is prevalent in our society. However, the scenario is not even close to what we've found in India; the intensity of all these problems is much more. There is a tremendous diversity in the culture here. It has been a worthwhile experience looking at the Indian perspective of development," Frenette said.

Times of India

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