Priority will be given for research programmes

Updated on: Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Vikrama Simhapuri University (VSU) Vice-Chancellor G. Rajarami Reddy has said that priority would be given for research programmes and tap natural resources and industrial potential for the development of the new university.

Dr.Rajarami Reddy, who hails from an agricultural family from Vendodu village in the district, assumed charge at his chambers here on Friday. Present on this occasion were amid his parents G.Sidda Reddy and Ratnamma and his wife Usha Rani. Speaking on the occasion, the V-C said VSU has made much progress and is far ahead of the other new universities in the State with land allocated, foundation laid for construction of buildings and enough funds sanctioned from University Grants Commission (UGC) and the State government. He thanked the former Vice-Chancellor C.R.Visweswara Rao for bringing good reputation for the university.

“It is my duty to further develop the university, especially on research activity. Nellore is famous for philanthropy. All ways and means will be tapped and considered for standing up to the expectations of the public. I have plans for an all round development of the university in all angles,” said Dr.Rajarami Reddy, who is pursuing Doctorate in Science from Berhampur Univesity.

He said that his first visit would be to the Defence Research Laboratory at Gwalior on November 29, to raise funds for the research and development work. Mr.Reddy was keen on getting 12 (b) for the university as the PG Centre at Kavali, attached to VSU, is well established and the infrastructure facilities will be an added advantage for getting clearance from the UGC.

Dr.Rajarami Reddy, who completed his schooling in Kommaneturu and Venkannapelam villages in Nellore district, studied at Sri Venkateswara Arts College, Tirupati. He was a gold medallist from S.V.University, in Zoology in 1975.

He produced 13 Ph.Ds, seven M.Phils and has 84 national and international publications. Prof.Reddy spent eight years in USA for doing research programmes in various universities and travelled widely in Canada, USA, Korea, Scotland and Australia. He won awards for his researches in India and abroad. VSU Registrar V.Narayana Reddy said the State and Central governments sanctioned Rs.22.5 crore for constructions of academic building, lecture halls, laboratories, library, auditorium, hostel and other structures in the site allotted for the university. Already, UGC has released Rs.2.5 crore and the State Government has released equal amount. The construction process would be started after finalising the tenders, said Mr.Reddy.

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