Be the change you want to see

Updated on: Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It was ‘feel good' time for 13 year olds at the close of the NIE session at St. Joan of Arc International School, Adhavathur.

When their books were returned to them filled with compliments from friends, they were visibly thrilled, trying to figure out who paid the compliments. Saying nice things about each other was part of the ‘Secret of Success: self confidence and self discipline' module. While self confidence is the key to achieving success, it is possible to change the world without compromising one's values, was what the session strived to drive home.

When resource person Punitha Natarajan put up the words, ‘I can' on the blackboard, students responded with a string of activities they could perform. On introspection, it was absence of fear, training, practice and inclination that determined what they were capable of. Confidence is a cyclical process and coupled with desire and in-depth knowledge can lead to success which in turn would spawn more confidence, said Ms.Punitha.

Both lack of confidence and overconfidence can be detrimental as those plagued by the former don't take initiative or risks while those filled with over confidence take risks beyond their capabilities.

Self-discipline dictates that change must start with oneself. So, what does it take to attain the elusive quality-‘a whip' was the solution proffered with the mnemonic signifying acceptance, will power, hard work, industry and persistence.

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