Students put up an impressive show with their science models

Updated on: Monday, November 14, 2011

The science week at Nalanda Vidya Niketan proved beyond doubt that the internet is a very useful tool for children. They made science models to basic questions--- like why an egg does not float in water, how does a door bell function -- to metal detectors, wind mill, non stop trains, gold flake, floating head, bio diesel, space stations, and ultrasonic distance meters.

The students say that the internet has tons of information and provide knowledge.

It answers all your queries on science: How to make robots, metal detectors, how do batteries work, why some volcanoes do not erupt. One could understand the science and prove their creativity and innovativeness taking a cue from the information available on the net, they said.

“There were lengthy projects on preparing Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). “I took a cue from there, and prepared a simple model of my own,” said V. Mukesh, an eighth standard student. He demonstrated how LPG could be produced with a spoon of petrol and little water.

And, close to him were two children Teja and Gopi of 5th and 7th classes.

“Look at these glasses. The egg in first glass is floating and in another glass it drowned,” they said, “and, the experiment shows us that the density of water causes egg either to float or drown.” Their peer V. V. Sarayu explains the principal of door bell.

Sri Ram Yesaswi of 9th standard shows how his hand held metal detector works with help of two batteries and a small circuit, while A. Anirudh and A. Krishna of 9th class showcases a robot made out of wood. Next to him was D.Rohit Kumar of 7th class with wind energy.

“It took wings of a fan, and connected with it a battery etc. to generate power. See the lights glowing with the turn of the wings, he said.

The students stole the hearts of visitors with their creativity in preparing the science models of their choice.

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