Petro, Polymer ,Plastic courses were ostracised

Updated on: Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Engineering admissions had witnessed no student prefering to join textile chemistry, polymer technology, petroleum engineering, plastic technology and medical electronics courses.

The report of  branch allotment up to Monday shows that 19 seats in textile chemistry, 28 seats in polymer technology, 29 seats in petroleum engineering, 20 seats in plastic technology and 37 seats in medical electronics have no takers.

Reacting to economic slowdown, courses that were once popular  like Information Technology and computer science engineering are no longer the crowd-pullers with a mere 554 students opting for information technology leaving 14,473 seats vacant and 1,034 students joined computer science engineering with 19,086 seats going vacant until the fourth day of counselling.

Similarly, there were a few takers for aeronautical engineering (5.59 percent seats filled), bio-technology (8.05 percent seats filled), electrical and electronics engineering (6.63 percent seats filled). As many as 86.84 per cent of the students opted for manufacturing engineering course. Of the available 38 seats, 33 of them got filled within four days of counselling, followed by courses such as geo-informatics, industrial engineering and printing technology

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