Latest medical gadgets to be on display at meet from Nov 18

Updated on: Saturday, November 12, 2011

Nearly 1,500 doctors from across the world are expected to attend a five-day medical conference here, starting November 18, where latest medical gadgets will be put on display, organisers said.
Doctors from the US, the UK, France, Germany, Japan and Singapore have confirmed their participation in the 52nd Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology (ISG), Organising Secretary VG Mohanprasad told the media.
He said that latest gadgets like disposable gastroscope and electronic endomicroscope would be demonstrated for the first time in India during the conference which would focus on the recent advance in the field of endoscopy and liver.
The meet is being jointly organised by ISG, Society of Gastroenterology Endoscopic of India and Indian National Association of Study of Liver.
A live endoscopy workshop would also be telecast from VGM Hospital in the city to the venue, featuring endoscopic surgeries, Mohanprasad added.

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