Navy to issue question papers in Tamil during recruitment

Updated on: Friday, November 11, 2011

For the first time Indian Navy will issue question papers in Tamil during the sailors recruitment test next year in Tamil Nadu.
"The question papers which has to be answered by the candidates is going to be also converted into the local language and vernacular. So that their understanding is easier and we can can have a larger induction of people from this state," Commodore Amar K Mahadevan, Naval Officer-in-charge, Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry said.
"This time, we have requested Delhi to give us the original question papers in the local language. And they will feel more comfortable attending the question which is in the local language. The answers can be given in local language and we will evaluate accordingly. This is intended to draw more people from the state," Commodore Mahadevan said.
The next sailor recruitment will be during January-February next year, he said.
Asked about the alleged reports of Tamil fishermen straying into the Sri Lankan waters, he said, "Many of them (fishermen) as claimed by Sri Lanka and as confessed by some of our fishermen, they do stray into the Sri Lankan waters. But this does not have any still condone the actions of any violence against our people."
"So, we reach out to the fishing population along the coast, we educate them on the dangers of crossing the International Maritime Border Line," he said.

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