Tamil varsity plans for exchange programmes

Updated on: Monday, July 13, 2009

Chennai: The Tamil University at Thanjavur will initiate an exchange programme for students of language universities in the country from this year, according to M.Rajendran, Vice-Chancellor of the University.

Dr.Rajendran said that this decision was taken at the senate meeting of the University on Friday. Once the University authorities and the vice-chancellors of other universities accept the proposal, students of the three-year Ph.D. programmes in the different language universities could participate in the exchange programme.

This was mooted to increase interactions between the language universities and would lead to greater co-operation between the institutions, Dr.Rajendran said.
To popularise the study of the literature in other places, he also said that the Senate decided to hold conferences on Sangam literature in Hindi, Marathi and Bengali in Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata respectively.
He said that the Jawaharlal Nehru University would be the partner for the conference in Delhi scheduled for this December. Similar conferences would be scheduled by March next year in Mumbai and Kolkata.


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