Daulat Ram College: Students protest in cold against cell-laptop diktat

Updated on: Monday, November 07, 2011

Inmates of the Daulat Ram College hostel stayed out in open all night on Saturday to protest against the diktats of their administration that has barred the students from keeping mobile phones or laptops in rooms. They are allegedly also subjected to random frisking and checks in the room as the doors there do not have any latch. Resentment among the students had been building up for the past few days following which they decided to stage a silent protest on Saturday night.

One of the girls from the hostel said: "We have to face random checking due to which many students feel disturbed. We live in perpetual fear in the hostel. Anyone can walk into our room anytime to check on us. Some students have even gone into depression because of this." College sources said the latches were removed after the building was renovated for the Commonwealth Games.

On Sunday, many students either didn't receive calls on their mobile or disconnected them after answering in a hushed tone. Those who agreed to speak did not wish to be named.

The students went back to their rooms on Sunday morning only after their representatives met the acting principal on Sunday morning and were assured that their grievances would be heard. Ira Pandit, media coordinator, Daulat Ram College, said: "The Students Amenities Committee and the principal in-chair met on Sunday to discuss the matter of the student protest. All students have already returned to the hostel and they were assured that no student will be penalized for having protested. All their grievances will be heard and redressed as soon as possible."

A student said: "We have pulled back because we will now give the authorities a list of our problems and await their action. All this has been going on for long. Although we use the mobile phones in the college, we can't bring them inside the hostel. So we have to hand them over to our friends before going back to the hostel every day."

The university does not have any rule that bars students from using mobile phones and laptops in the hostel rooms. Perhaps no other college prohibits students from using phones like Daulat Ram does. The warden of another girl's college, who wished to remain anonymous, said: "We do not have any such rule in our hostel. Students do need mobile phones these days. Besides, how does such a rule help?"

Another teacher added: "All good colleges encourage students to use laptops. Prohibiting their use seems like people still live in a medieval age. Also, students should get the privacy that is accorded to any human being."

Times of India

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