Canada: For quality at a cheaper cost

Updated on: Monday, October 31, 2011

Over the decades, Canadian universities have earned a name for quality education. With world-class research facilities, renowned expert faculty, and supportive learning environments, students pursuing higher education in Canadian universities are guaranteed a top quality academic experience — culminating in a degree highly regarded all over the world. This is so evident in India, especially in south India from where there has been a steady rise in the interest levels of the student community to look at Canada as a destination for higher studies.

Besides being of great quality, Canadian university education is considered as providing great value for money in comparison with other popular study destinations, such as the U.S. or U.K. Canadian universities typically cost less.

The other big advantage is that the international students are legally allowed — and in many cases, encouraged — to take up part-time jobs, either on or off campus, during their studies. It means great, career-related experience, as well as some extra cash for meeting expenses.

Canada is a leader in telecommunications, aerospace and biotechnology — all economies of the future. Factors like these make Canada an attractive destination for Indian students.

To present Canada as a destination of choice and to offer the various study options available, The Hindu Education Plus in association with Canada University Application Center (CUAC), along with the support from the Canadian High Commission, is organising a Canada Education Fair in Chennai on November 5 at the Taj Connemera Hotel from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The event will showcase some of the best known universities and colleges in the world from Canada, such as University of Windsor, University of Guelph, Saint Mary's University, Algoma University, University of Victoria and University of Winniepeg. The fair will offer a great chance to every aspiring student to come and interact with the university representatives / faculty members / student recruiters / heads of departments to know all about the various study options.

The fair will offer both undergraduate and postgraduate courses, and the aspiring students can choose from a variety of options available in these Canadian institutions.

The Canadian University Application Centre, or CUAC, has offices located in cities all over the world, including south India with an office in Hyderabad.

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