Constitutional body should regulate growth of pvt varsities

Updated on: Monday, October 31, 2011

Former UGC chairman has asserted the need of constitutional body to monitor private universities.

Mushrooming of private universities without proper regulatory provisions is detrimental to maintaining academic standards and a constitutional body is needed for the purpose, eminent physicist and former chairman of University Grants Commission(UGC) Yashpal has said.
"A constitutional body should be constituted to regulate the private universities and other institutions of higher education for ensuring their proper functioning and maintaining academic standards," he said here.
Most of the so called private varsities were just institutions and not universities in the true sense, he said, adding that they were bringing in students by attractive offers through front offices.
"A university must be fully equipped with full subjects," he said. Making a strong plea for treating state universities on par with central universities, he said that there should be no discrimination in funding.
"While the central universities were getting liberal funding, the state universities were being starved of funds due to discrimination," he alleged. Yashpal said that he was opposed even to deemed universities as these could lead to poor academic standards and cautioned that unregulated private universities would seriously affect the education sector.
Referring to the demand made at the recent conference of Vice-Chancellors to remove the condition of NET clearance for appointment as teachers in colleges and universities, he said it was a "considered and deliberate" move to check nepotism and the provision must be implemented by institutions of higher education.

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