Sri Lankan students tour India

Updated on: Monday, October 31, 2011

Twelve students and three lecturers from the University of Colombo are travelling to India to participate in South Asian Economics Students Meet in New Delhi, officials said.
SAESM 2011 is  being held at Ramjas College, University of Delhi, the Indian High Commission here said.  The meet is one of the most prestigious academic events in the South Asian region, where students from renowned Universities present research papers and also take part in discussions relating to current economic issues.
The primary objective of SAESM is to promote knowledge-sharing by facilitating the interaction of students within the region and across regions through academic activities and cultural exchange.
The India-Sri Lanka Foundation, which is supporting the participation of the Sri Lankan students at the event, had also supported the participation of a 16 member team from India at SAESM 2010 which was held in Colombo last year.
The India-Sri Lanka Foundation was established by a Memorandum of Understanding between the governments of India and Sri Lanka in 1998 in order to foster India -Sri Lanka relations through the enhancement of economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation and to promote greater understanding between the people of the two countries.

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