Smart card to keep track of students record

Updated on: Friday, October 28, 2011

TN government plans to issue smart cards to school students with the first lot to be issued to students of high schools and higher secondary schools.

Across the state of Tamil Nadu, there are 2,234 govt. high schools, 543 aided high schools, 2,388 govt. higher secondary schools and 1,044 aided higher secondary schools with about 60 lakhs students studying. Details of the students and their family, family income, marks, activities and interest on sports are kept as records in schools. Now, the government of Tamil  Nadu plans to keep a track of these minute details through smart cards.

Earlier, students of central board schools were provided smart cards. Every, student of TN state board schools will be provided a smart card with a unique code number. This code number with details of the student (as mentioned above) will be included in an amalgamated computer server at the state.

After obtaining this card, the student should register his/her arrival at the classroom through swiping machine that will be provided.

As a result of this, clear details about every student and teacher can be accessed from any corner of the state. If a student needs to change schools, he/she need not obtain certificates from old school since these smart cards will play its role.

In India, Gujarat is a pioneer of smart card practice in government schools.

Smart Card will not only carry academic details but also medical records of the student. Every student will be subjected to periodical medical check-up and its details to be incorporated in this card.

With help of this card, it will also be possible to identify the 'student dropouts'. At first stage, students of high schools and higher secondary schools will be provided with this card. After reviewing the success, this project will be expanded to middle and elementary level schools of the state also.

Last month, an expert committee from Tamil Nadu went to Gujarat to make a detailed analysis of this project. Within few weeks, an inauguration programme for this project would be held in Tamil Nadu.

Educationists feel, "If this project is implemented, we can resolve various issues, prevailing in education department".

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