Maharashtra to provide training to street children for skilled jobs

Updated on: Thursday, October 20, 2011

As part of its employment generation scheme for street children, the Maharashtra government has decided to provide job training to such youngsters for better future prospects, official sources said.
"Private companies like Wipro and Lupin have tied up with the state government to provide skilled jobs to street children after the completion of their training," sources said.
Yashwantrao Chavan Open University has agreed to lend its assistance to the government and has prepared the module to impart employable education to street kids, they added.
The concept was mooted by the Women and Child Development department minister Varsha Gaikwad.
A six-month training will be imparted to these children following which selected candidates will be absorbed in the companies, sources added.
The motive behind the program is that children below 18 years who are kept in remand homes should get a job for their future survival on their release.
The government would also track down the children who have left remand homes and offer them the scheme.

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