US assures Indian students all help to sort out sham varsities

Updated on: Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday assured potential Indian students that the United States would to do everything possible to help them sort out real and sham institutions in the country.

The United States has expanded its advisory services for Indian students and their families to help "sort out misleading offers that come over the internet," she said inaugurating a day long education summit she is co-chairing with India's Minister for Human Resource Development Kapil Sibal.

"And we know flooding into homes across India giving young Indian students the idea that a certain approach will work for them when in fact, it's a dead end," Clinton said alluding to the plight of Indian students who enrolled in California's allegedly "sham" Tri-Valley University last year.

"We don't want to see that happen. We want real exchanges with credible institutions and we will do every thing we can," she told over 300 higher education leaders, government and private sector representatives participating in the summit.

The US was also encouraging local officials in the states to engage with their counterparts in India to support education collaboration and connection at every level.

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