Oz animation guru to address students

Updated on: Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Animation Guru, Darcy Prendergast, will be in Chennai to address budding animators at a Seminar held by BIG AIMS (Animation Infotainment & Media School), a premier animation and VFX training academy of Reliance Animation.

With rich experience of over a decade in handling projects like Mary and Max, The Critter Litter &  All India Radio track Lucky etc, Darcy would attend to student's queries on all the topics of animation ranging from the industry progress, opportunities, and technology development to scope of work and his success stories.

The seminar will serve as a platform for the students to get acquinted with international standards and quality benchmarks that they should aspire to achieve.

The ‘Cool Guru Series seminars will be held in Chennai on  22 October,  2011 (22/10/2011) . The seminars are free to attend with prior registration at  BIG AIMS centre.

For more details about the seminar contact: 044 26286665, Mob: 9445166000.

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