Kerala Engineering Architecture Medical Entrance Exam KEAM is conducted every Year by the Commissioner of Entrance Examinations, Kerala State for Providing Admission to Engineering, Architecture, Agricultural and Medical Courses. Most of the Government and Private Institutes in Kerala will take KEAM Score for Providing Admissions to Various Programs.
Students who are Seeking for Admission in Professional Engineering Colleges and Institute in Kerala has to Appear for KEAM 2012. Each and Every Student who want to get Admission has to Satisfy the Following Eligible Standards Compulsory.
KEAM 2012 Entrance Exam is Conducted by CEE Kerala State for Providing Admission to Professional Degree Courses in All Institute in Kerala. The Admission for the Various institute will be made on the basis of Merit marks Scored in the Entrance Exam. KEAM 2012 Entrance Exam will be Conducted In the 182 Centers as per the Schedule Published by the CEE Kerala.
The KEAM 2012 Kerala Engineering Architecture Entrance Exam is of objective type Questions asked in the Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry subjects. Mode of Exam will be Pen and paper type. There ate two different papers with 150 minute duration.
Paper I : Physics and Chemistry
Paper II : Mathematics
NOTE : Negative marks will be there for each wrong marking.
The KEAM 2012 Entrance Examinations for admission to Engineering, Medical Allied & Agriculture, Veterinary, Fisheries Professional Degree Courses for the year 2012, Kerala will be conducted as per the following scheduled date and Time Mentioned below :
Stream |
Subject |
Date |
Time |
Engineering Courses |
Paper I |
23.04.2012 (Monday) |
10 AM – 12.30 PM |
Paper II |
24.04.2012 (Tuesday) |
10 AM – 12.30 PM |
Medical Allied |
Paper I |
25.04.2012 (Wednesday) |
10 AM – 12.30 PM |
Paper II |
26.04.2012 (Thursday) |
10 AM – 12.30 PM |
Contact Address:
The Commissioner for Entrance Examinations
Fifth Floor, Housing Board Buildings
Santhi Nagar, Thiruvananthapuram-695 001.
Phone : 0471- 2332120, 2338487.
Fax: 0471-2337228.
E-mail: [email protected]