Bank of Rajasthan Education loans are preferred financing options for those people who want to study in India and overseas education. The loans are available with cheap and competitive rates. Online Duniya provide the details mention below will help you get a better understanding of education loans offered by Bank of Rajasthan.
The applicant must have had good academic records and also, they must be selected for a specific course.
The candidate must furnish his/her marksheet, proof of admission, specifying the cost of course.
Within a period of two weeks.
Till the course is completed.
Within a period o 3 to 5 years or earlier.
Head Office
The Bank Of Rajasthan Ltd.
C-3 Sardar Patel Marg, C- Scheme
Jaipur - 302001
Phone - 91-141-2381222-223-224, 91-141-2381972
Fax - 91-141-2381972
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