Establishment of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) took place in the year 1985. This has been established with an act of parliament in order to democratize the education system which has not yet reached to the major part of the society. Today IGNOU is known as one of the largest universities in the world. Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has covered large section of population in different corners of the world. The disadvantage group of the society gets the advantage of education system launched by Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU).
You may find many unemployed youths of the nation. Objectives of Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is to provide vocational education to that section of the society. The organization provides primary emphasis to cost effectiveness of education, innovation, flexibility and innovation in teaching technique. The approach followed by the university is learner centric. There are many individuals who are not in a position to follow the fulltime education in school and colleges due to lack of money. Even many people are from socially downward background. Thus, they need to earn to earn their living. Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) provides a wonderful scope for them so that they can easily carry on with then education during their off time.
Today, many colleges and private education bodies have got their affiliation from Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). They provide affiliation to education board in a very flexible term. Today, Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is offering around 300 programs across the nation. Around 2.2 million students are getting their enrolment in a regular basis for getting quality education from the particular organization. The organization also has a strong network with 60 regional centers. The country and overseas also possesses around 2500 IGNOU study centers. The learners are provided with individualized support. Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has got centers with teleconference facility. You will get quality education over here as the university provides rich contents in the course work of study.