Career Option in Mining

A.Field description:

Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth, usually from an ore body, vein or (coal) seam. Materials recovered by mining include base metals precious metals iron, uranium, coal, diamonds, limestone, oil shale, rock salt and potash. Any material that cannot be grown through agricultural processes, or created artificially in a laboratory or factory, is usually mined. Mining in a wider sense comprises extraction of any non-renewable resource (e.g., petroleum, natural gas, or even water).Mining of stone and metal has been done since pre-historic times. Modern mining processes involve prospecting for ore bodies, analysis of the profit potential of a proposed mine, extraction of the desired materials and finally reclamation of the land to prepare it for other uses once the mine is closed.

B.Education Guide

Education Details & Eligibility:

Mining Technology courses are available in world wide. Many countries offer courses in this field. In Indian Institutes offers Diploma courses, B.Sc and also Bachelor's of engineering degree (B.E) and M.E courses, and also offers Ph.D programmes. Some courses available in this field listed below.

Bachelor Degree

Master Degree

Doctoral (PhD) Degree

Mining Technology
Mining Electrical Equipments
Mining Mechanical Equipments
Mining Surveying
Land Surveying
Space Geodesy and Astronomy
Mineral Processing Technology
Mining Management

Mining Technology
Mining Electrical Equipments
Mining Mechanical Equipments
Mining Surveying
Land Surveying
Space Geodesy and Astronomy
Mineral Processing Machinery
Mineral Processing Technology
Mining Management
Mining Ecology

Training programs for Doctoral (PhD) Degree
Mining Processing Technology
Mining Electrical Equipments
Mining Mechanical Equipments
Mining Surveying
Mineral Processing Technology
Mining Management
Mineral Exploration Machinery
Mining Ecological Management
Nature Protection and Ecology

Basic eligibility criteria:

Basic eligible criteria are same as for common courses like engineering subjects. For Diploma coursescandidate should complete their 10th std in state or central board syllabus. For Bachelor's degree in Engineering field candidate should complete +2 (Higher Secondary students) with 1 st or 2nd group as the majors or Diploma holders in Mechanical Engineering or any relevant subjects.
For M.E degree candidate should complete their degree in B.E (mining, metrology, chemical, mechanical) field and also to join in some top institutes candidate should qualified in GATE exams or AIEEE exams.

Course Duration:

  • The course Durations are depends on the University, but in General
  • For diploma in Mining Technology - 2to3 years
  • For Bachelor's Degree B.Sc - 3 to 4 years
  • And B.E/B.Tech in Mining Technology - 4 years
  • Master degree in Mining Technology - 2to3 years

Approximate Education Expenses:

The Total expenses for doing Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering are as follows B.E - Rs.50000/ per year - (4 Years)
M.E - Rs.50000/ per year - (2 Years)
Bank loans and private loans can be easily arranged by directly contacting the banks through the college administrative.

Additional Courses:

Some special additional curses are offers in aboard and Indian Universities

  • Mining Electro Mechanical Engineering
  • Exploitation of mining and transportation machinery;
  • Optimization and modeling of mining transportation equipment;
  • Techniques and technology of drill processes;
  • Gold mining equipment;
  • Separation of Heterogeneous powdery by air flow
  • Geodesy and Mining Surveying
  • Geodynamical measurements;
  • GIS and LIS;
  • GPS technology and digital mapping;

Mining surveying drawing network evolution and development of the mapping network project;

  • Mining Processing Technology
  • Blasting Technology
  • Mining Electrical Equipments
  • Mining Mechanical Equipments
  • Geodesy
  • Mining Surveying
  • Mineral Processing Technology
  • Mining Management and Mining Ecology
  • Mineral Processing Technology
  • Mining Management and Mining Ecology

Higher Education Options:

After successful completion of the Bachelor degree, the options for higher education are plenty. A person with the above degree can opt for Master of Engineering or do M.B.A or candidate can choose doctorate in this field.

C.Institutions that Offers this Education:
  • New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology- New Mexico,Location: Socorro-USA.
  • National Institute of Technology-Department of Mining Engineering - Location: Rourkela-India
  • Formerly Kothagudem Institute of Technology & Mining - Andhra Pradesh , Location: Kothagudem-India
  • Institute: National Institute of Technology (NIT) (Karnataka) - Karnataka Mangalore-India
  • Institute: National Institute of Technology-Department of Mining Engineering Rourkela-indiaÃ
  • Institute: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur - West Bengal Kharagpur-India
  • Institute: Asansol Polytechnic Asansol-India
  • Institute: Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Research & Technology - Maharashtra Chandrapur-India
  • Institute: Formerly Kothagudem Institute of Technology & Mining - Andhra Pradesh Kothagudem-India
  • Institute: College of Technology & Engineering Udaipur-India
  • Indian School of Mines Location: Dhanbad-India
  • Institute: Laurentian University Sudbury-Canada
  • Institute: Power Management Institute (PMI) Noida-India.
  • Prof Purev Lkhamsuren (PhD), the Director of the School of Mining Engineering

Location: Block II, Main Campus of MUST, 8th Khoroo, Baga Toiruu, Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar Postal Address: P. O. Box-520, Ulaanbaatar-46, Mongolia

D.Job Opportunities and Job Roles:

Those are successfully completed in this courses; they are employed and well established in different reputed Government/Private coal sector and metal mines organizations as well as in different Tunneling projects, Hydro power projects, Drilling and other Mine services Organizations Ã

E.Approximate Salary Range:

The salary can be from Rs.7, 000 to Rs.15, 000 for fresher's and increases with the persons experience and knowledge.

F.Related Links:

The Mining and Metallurgical Society of America (MMSA) is a professional organization dedicated to increasing public awareness and understanding about mining and why mined materials are essential to modern society and human well being.

Web Site:

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