Rubber made from trees
Rubber is a commercially important polymer, used extensively in automobiles. In engineering, they play a significant role as they isolate vibrations, provide sealing against fluids, provide cushioning against mechanical shock (tyres), provide electrical insulations, convey fluids (i.e., as hoses) convey solids (conveyor belts), provide flexible couplings, transmit mechanical power as “V” belts etc. Their combination of mechanical properties is not available with other materials.
Education Details & Eligibility:
Education in the field of Rubber technology is at Diploma, Degree and post Graduate degree programs.
Course Duration:
Approximate Education Expenses:
Course fees generally less than Rs 80,000/ per year (In Govt Institutes it will be much lesser)
For details on colleges please visit
Job prospects are very good. There are hundreds of rubber product manufacturing industries in India. Besides, there are industries making paints, coatings, and adhesives etc which need polymer technologists. Rubber Technologists are also needed in automotive industry to fix the design of the rubber components and for engineering R and D works. It must be remembered that India will be the leading automobile hub of the world in a decade or two and hence the demand for rubber technologists will be high.
This is the best field for people with entrepreneurial tendencies as rubber product manufacturing is less energy intensive compared with other structural materials.The initial salaries will be generally lesser than what the software industry will offer but with experience, the importance of the technologist will be felt more strongly, compared with software personnel and later, their worth will be more. Recently, some of the recruiters in this field are also offering initial salaries on par with software industries. Many software industries too will need polymer technologists with core experience in future. Candidates must be dedicated to this field, to succeed in the long run.
Further, rubber technologists can enter general management areas in other industries too due to their acquiring QC, HR, project management skills during their careers. Some of them can also become quality auditors, energy auditors etc.
Tyre industries-generally Rs 20,000/ and above, per month, in the first year Other industries - may offer starting salaries of Rs 10,000 to Rs 25000/ per month
Rubber division of American Chemical Society Website: