Careers for Psychology Majors
Psychology is an academic and applied science involving the scientific study of mental functions and behavior of human beings. It is the study of human emotions, personality and human relationships. This knowledge is applied to various spheres of human activities, including issues related to everyday life (e.g. family, education, and employment) and the treatment of mental health problems. Psychology related subspecialties include areas as human development, sports, health, industry, media, and law. A psychologist treats by changing the behavioral patterns of the patients without medication through counseling, and help people by bringing about changes in their thought processes, thus improving their quality of life.
Psychology is offered as a subject at the Plus Two or equivalent level with a combination of other social sciences and statistics. At the graduate level, one can study psychology as an Honors subject in most universities. After graduation, one can opt for an MA or MSc in Psychology, Social work or Counseling. Specializations in the subject can be pursued at the postgraduate level or at the doctoral level- M.Phil or Ph.D., after postgraduation. At the master's and doctoral levels, education becomes increasingly specialized.
Postgraduate courses in psychology are offered only to students who have graduated with psychology. Postgraduate and doctoral degrees in Psychology emphasize on research. If your interest is in practice, i.e. helping people with problems (counseling), you could opt for Psychology-related graduate programs such as education and social work.
Graduation in psychology is a 3 year program. Post graduation is of 2 years duration and during the course, specialization in a Special branch of psychology is possible.
Psychology course covers:
Study of psychology includes a wide range of activities such as the processes of thinking, learning and perceiving, remembering, forgetting, physiology of the nervous system, development of children, social relationships and their effect on personality development, mental disorders, applications of psychology to the study of society, industry, education etc., techniques of experimenting and testing, and statistics.
The total expense for doing Bachelor's of and Masters in Psychology are as follows:
Educational Psychology, Society & Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Cross-Cultural Psychology, Expressive Therapy, Counseling & Applied Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, Human Factors, Child & Adolescent Abnormal Psychology,Human Resource Management & Business, Ethics, Biological and Chemical Sciences.
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Psychologists held about 166,000 jobs in 2006. Educational institutions employed about 29 percent of psychologists in positions other than teaching, such as counseling, testing, research, and administration. About 21 percent were employed in healthcare, primarily in offices of mental health practitioners, hospitals, physicians' offices, and outpatient mental health and substance abuse centers. Government agencies at the State and local levels employed psychologists in correctional facilities, law enforcement, and other settings. Most of the women across the globe need counseling & so it is having a wide application. Child psychologists are to be appointed in all schools.
The salary can be from Rs.5,000 to Rs.20,000 for beginners and increases with experience and knowledge.
The International Society for Psychology has links to programs of study and online courses in psychology and to job postings.
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